Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to book?

The best way to book is via email or phone. For any queries, please fill in the contact us form via my website or email [email protected] or call me on 0491 037 465. Always happy to help!

Why do I need to fill out an intake form before my first session?

It is important to fill out and send back the initial intake form via Microsoft Forms, as this begins the process of identifying your concerns. This way, I can prepare and have a brief idea about the challenges you're facing. It also allows for the first session to be more in depth, and this is paramount for tailoring the session and moving forward. 

What should my child and I expect in the first session?

Each counselling session, each week can look different depending on the emotional needs of the client. Therefore, there is no one typical counselling session. 

However, during the first session or intake, I will invite you into the room, providing a safe environment in
which you can explore the issues and challenges you are experiencing in your life. This is a time to ask any questions you might have, find out about further sessions and structure and how sessions would work best, discovering your
comfort with counselling.

During the first session I will always discuss the processes around boundaries and confidentiality with you and your child/adolescent. This is an important part of counselling, and I will seek your consent for all steps during the counselling sessions.

The conclusion of the session
is a time we can plan and set on an agreed direction and goal for the session, to ensure the most beneficial outcome for your journey at Keep Growing Counselling. 

How many sessions does it take to see improvements?

Counselling sessions are a process of healing which requires the active participation of the client and investment in the process. Change does not happen overnight but with consistency and communication, great change is achievable.

The number of sessions the client may need will depend on their unique circumstances, presentation and emotional and/or social needs.

A recent study has shown six to fifteen sessions is often optimal but recommended with a ‘review’ to agree a future plan if required. Please be aware that once the sessions begin, new issues and angles can arise that the client was not aware existed and further work may be required.

The counselling journey can often be a winding road but at all times you are in control to discuss what you wish, from everyday events, dilemmas, feelings, and thoughts, to regrets, aspirations, memories and dreams.

At Keep Growing Counselling, I am here to support, reframe and
gently guide you on your counselling journey. 

Are you licensed and insured?

Yes, I am registered as a Primary School Teacher and Counsellor within Australia. I have registration both New South Wales and Victoria under the NESA and VIT.

I have Level 2 - M.A.C.A registration with the Australian Counselling Association of Australia (ACA).

I hold a Working with Children's Check both in Victoria and New
South Wales.

I am also fully insured through the Australian Counselling Association for all liabilities and indemnity.

As a registered member of the Australian Counselling Association, Sarah Florenze follows the Australian Counselling Association’s Code of Ethics guidelines and remains up to date on the best practice via regular Professional Development and Supervision. 

Do you offer off-site or zoom sessions?

Yes, I offer both in person session and virtual sessions via the secured platform Powerdiary. 
Keep Growing Counselling in person sessions are located at Suite 4, 18 Manning Street, Kiama, NSW, 2533

How long are the sessions?

Session times range in duration, depending on the required need at booking. Sessions can run from 45 minutes , 60 minutes or 90 minutes in total. 

Can I receive a Medicare or private health insurance rebate?

At this current time, counselling is not eligible for rebates through Medicare under the mental health plan. However, the Australian Counselling Assocation is lobbying for the inclusion of Registered Counsellors, into the Medicare Systems and we hope to see some long-overdue changes in the near future. 

Depending on your private health insurer, the following funds offer rebates for counselling: AHM, CUA, Doctors Health, Emergency Services Health, Grand United Health, Medibank, Phoenix Health, Police Health, St Luke’s.

To claim, you will need to do this directly from your health fund. I provide you with an invoice and receipt of payment.  This can be used to assist in claiming a proportion of the fee back directly. 

What is the cancellation and payment policy?

Keep Growing Counselling has a standard cancellation policy of 24 hours’ notice when cancellation is required.
Less than this time does not allow time for other clients to book a session.  Where possible, please contact me and we will reschedule appointments.

All scheduled sessions are booked either via email or phone.       
Pre-payment is required prior to the counselling session. This can be via direct bank deposit or credit card upon receiving your invoice. 

You will receive a confirmation email three days before your session, allowing 48 hours to confirm your time and date of session at Keep Growing Counselling.

Please be made aware that cancelling with less than 24 hours’ notice, will result in a cancellation fee of 100% of the entire service fee.

NO SHOW TO YOUR SESSION without any communication will result in a cancellation fee of 100% of the full session fee. No changes or refunds will be offered at any time.  

If serious or extenuating circumstances arise, please contact me directly and it will be dealt with compassionately on a case-by-case basis.

Where possible, please plan ahead, especially if booking multiple sessions.

If you need a session urgently, please contact me via phone and I can
check my availability to assist where possible. 

What are your terms and conditions?

Please refer to the policy tab to read all about Keep Growing Counselling's, privacy policy, child safety and/or my cancellation policy. If you have any questions, please contact: [email protected]